SLTC won five awards at the WINTEX 2021 (World Inventions and Technology Expo), Indonesia. The Award Ceremony of the WINTEX 2021 was held today 29th Nov.2021 at 9.00 a.m. Indonesia Time.

Gold Award and TISIAS  Special Award  (Toronto International Society of Innovations and Advanced Skills) 

Use of VEDs in Furnace Control Use of VFDs in Furnace Control in Tea Factories

Team members
Dr. Chankya Panila, Lakshitha Heshan Piyathilaka,Thilini Navoda Fernando

Gold Award

Implementation of Deep Learning & Computer Vision for IoT based Intelligent Driver Assistant System

Team members
Dr. Udesh Oruthota, Mr.Hassaan Hydher, Ms. Pavenna Bandara, Hirshiharan Thevendran, Akshaya Nagendran

Silver Award

UV assisted multi- directional electric field air purifier

Team members
Dr. Nanda Gunawardhana, Dr. Migara Karunarathna, Mr. Ruwan Jayakantha

Bronze Award


Team members
Prof. Dush Jayakody , Dr. S.Rajkumar

Bronze Award


Team members
Prof. Dush Jayakody, Dr. Valmik Tilwari

The first non-academic staff training programme under the ENACT Project (Enhancing Governance, Management and Reform in Sri Lankan Universities through Non-Academic Staff Training) was held at Masaryk University, the Czech Republic from 16 - 19 May 2022. A team representing SLTC joined the training programme along with other Sri Lankan and European Partner Universities.

The programme included sessions on strategic planning, mobility management, internationalization of the curriculum, international networks and transfer of global practices. The program was held at Centre for International Cooperation, Komenského nám. 2, 602 00 Brno.

Five members representing the SLTC ENACT Project team joined the training programme including Dr Nanda Gunawardhana who is the SLTC Project Manager for the ENACT project. The team will conduct training and knowledge sharing programmes for the SLTC Non-Academic staff members based on their experience and knowledge gathered by joining this programme.


  1. Dr Nanda Gunawardhana, Director - International Affairs and Research
  2. Mr Yasith Perera, Assistant Registrar
  3. Ms Prarthana Rathnayake, Assistant Registrar
  4. Ms Saranga Wijesiri, Assistant Registrar
  5. Ms Umanda Wijesundara, MIS Specialist

Quick Links

IncEdu project members of the SLTC visited Masaryk University, Czech Republic from 09th of May to 13th of May 2022  to attend a staff training week as part of the  Erasmus + IncEdu project.


  1. Mr. Nuwan Rajapaksha, Manager - Premises Management,
  2. Mr. Dimuthu Pathiraja, Lecturer, School of IT,
  3. Mr. Asanka Liyanaarachchi, Lecturer, School of Music,
  4. Mr. Manu Satharasinghe, Manager IT, and
  5. Ms. Sewwandi Liyanage, Student Affairs Executive cum Teaching Assistant.

The team was able to spend a productive week along with the EU and Sri Lankan partners by exposing themselves to the basics of inclusive education, and facilities including library services, IT services and hands-on workshops on assistive technologies. The team will utilize the knowledge and experience they gathered to establish a centre at SLTC to assist the students with special needs. 

Improving access to Science and Technology higher education is the top priority in the Asian countries participating in the TEAL2.O project – Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand. The TEAL2.O project will develop and deploy an open-access platform for a technology-enabled learning environment to facilitate the design and delivery of quality ODL in Science & Technology higher education.

Under the project, TEAL Support and Development Centers will be established in Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. The SLTC has acquired equipment for the soon to be established Teal2.O Centre at the SLTC campus.

Quick Links:

  • Read more about the Teal2.O project here.
  • Read about Teal2.O Support and Development Center here.

The 2nd Meeting of the Project Management Committee of the ENACT Project was held on 28 March 2022 from 2.00 PM - 6.00 PM onwards. The meeting was held online and the members of all the partner universities including Sri Lanka partner universities and EU partner universities attended the meeting. Representing SLTC, Dr. Nanda Gunawardhana, Project Coordinator for SLTC and the SLTC Project team members attended the meeting.

During the meeting, the progress of the project activities was presented and reviewed. The committee also discussed the upcoming transnational training programs that are planned for the Non-Academic staff members of Sri Lanka partners.

Read more about the ENACT Project here.

Focus group meeting discussions and the third project meeting of the IncEdu project (Developing Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities in Sri Lankan Universities) took place from 24 - 25 February 2022 at Eastern University Sri Lanka.

Prof. Lelia Kiš-Glavaš and Prof. Martina Ferić from the University of Zagreb conducted the focus groups for Academic and Non-Academic members of the Sri Lankan Partner universities.

The 3rd Project Meeting of the IncEdu project was also held parallel to the focus group discussions. European partners joined the meeting virtually while all the Sri Lankan partners and Prof. Lelia Kiš-Glavaš from the University of Zagreb were present at the project meeting.

Enhancing Governance, Management and Reform in Sri Lankan Universities through Non-Academic Staff Training/ENACT is a project funded with the support of the Ersamus+ Programme of the European Union

As a partner of the project ENACT, SLTC with the overall objective of widening the consultation on the training and improvement needed in order to strengthen the non-academic system, processes and structures in the operations of the Sri Lankan universities, conducted university level stakeholder buy-in- events in the month of March April 2021

SLTC ENACT project team under the supervision of SLTC Project Manager for ENACT, Dr. Nanda Gunawardhana conducted 4 sessions of round table discussions including representatives from Senior management, High-level administration, non-academic staff, Teaching staff and students.

The kickoff meeting of the TEAL 2.O project, received under the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education Programme, was held from 4th to 6th March, 2020 at Oak Ray Regency, Kandy.  This event was organized and hosted by University of Peradeniya and was successfully held with the participation of representatives from 12 partner universities. The project TEAL 2.O spanning for three years focuses on “Improving the access to science and technology higher education in resource-poor institutions through an open platform for technology enabled active learning environment”. As such, a modular and open technology enabled active learning platform will be collaboratively developed, and relevant teaching and learning content will be designed to suit the needs of variety of users.

The purpose of this meeting was to reach a consensus on how the development of the platform will be carried out. In this regard, the coordinator of the project, the team from University of Peradeniya presented an overview of the project, task allocations per work package and the tentative work plan, etc., and accordingly, important decisions were made on planning of the development activities, task allocation among partners and organizing the next stakeholder buy in roundtable workshops. Dr. Gergana Dimitrova from the European Center for Quality delivered online presentations on financial management of the project, procurement procedures and dissemination. All the partner universities presented on their expected contribution to the TEAL 2.O project and raised concerns regarding several aspects of the project

Dr. Nanda Gunawardena, Director of International Affairs and Research Division of SLTC, Dr. Dushantha Nalin Jayakody, Head of School of Postgraduate studies, Dr. Dhammika Elkaduwe, Consultant, School of IT & Computing, Mr. Charith Jayanetti, Dr. Nuwan Vithanage and Dr. Eranji Jayaweera took part in the meeting representing the STLC. They actively participated in the discussions held regarding the development of the platform, technical aspects and task allocations etc.  Dr. Sanjeewa Maithripala from Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Peradeniya, who is also the Consultant for Research and Academic Affairs Division of the SLTC, played a significant role from convening to holding of the kickoff meeting.

The inaugural meeting of the EU funded capacity building project on “Developing Inclusive Education for students with disabilities in Sri Lankan Universities (IncEdu)” was held from 26th to 28th of February 2020 at the Hotel Topaz, Kandy. This meeting was organized by a team headed by Prof. Anoma Abhayaratne, University of Peradeniya, and was attended by participants from four well renowned European Universities; Masaryk University, Czech Republic, Zagreb University of Croatia, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania and Uppsala University of Sweden, and four universities from Sri Lanka; University of Peradeniya University of Ruhuna, Eastern University and Sri Lanka Technological Campus.

The IncEdu project addresses an important issue in higher education in Sri Lanka that has not received adequate attention.  It intends to develop a system of support for equalising opportunities for students with disabilities in Sri Lankan Universities. The main activities of the project during the period of 3 years, include, creating community awareness, develop the competency of staff of the partner universities in Sri Lanka and to establish a model support centre with the required equipment and assistive technology. It is expected that the project will have a greater impact and create more opportunities for students with disabilities in higher education by increased community/society awareness of rights, needs and requirements of those students in accessing higher education.

Dr. Nanada Gunawardhana, Director, International Affairs and Research Division of the SLTC, Dr. L. Udugama, Dr. Shamini Perera, Mr. Dimuthu Pathiraja, Ms. Manduli Katugampola, Ms. Vishmi Nanayakkara and Dr. Eranji Jayaweera attended the meeting representing the SLTC.  On the first day of the meeting Dr. L. Udugama and Ms. Manduli Katugampola delivered an introductory presentation of the SLTC and how SLTC will contribute to this IncEdu project. Dr. Shamini Perera presented on how “Coaching and Mentoring” could be effectively used to achieve the objectives of this project. On the third and final day of the meeting, Dr. Nanda Gunawardhana, briefed on the “Financial Management of the Grant”