
In June 2022, SLTC officially became an Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) member.

Being an ACU member means we are a part of one of the largest higher education networks with 500 institutions spread across over 50 countries. This will give the SLTC access to share and hear about good practice, the opportunity for staff and students to apply for funding, and introductions for strategic partnerships to work on developing approaches that address key challenges such as access and inclusion; supporting research, and strengthening universities. The ACU’s accredited status also gives a platform to influence policy agendas at the highest levels.

The ACU is the only accredited Commonwealth organisation to represent higher education. We believe that international collaboration is the
key to tackling global challenges – in these extraordinary times, it matters more than ever. Membership provides you with unique opportunities to work with us and advocate for issues at the highest level. We represent members (and when we can, directly involve you) at high-level forums that include Commonwealth ministerial meetings and the United Nations.

As an ACU member SLTC can be part of international collaborations that address:

  • Global challenges
  • Access and inclusion
  • Supporting research
  • Strengthening universities