O’Missenden, Partnerships Manager (Development & Oversight) and Sally
Day, International Partnerships Officer from the University of Essex visited
Sri Lanka Technological Campus, Padukka on the 8th November 2019, initiating
discussions on future collaborations between the two institutions and a
possible partnership in launching postgraduate programs on Economics and
Business Management.

discussion led by Dr. Sanjeewa Maithripala, Consultant for Research and
Academic Affairs and Professor Anoma Abhayaratne, SLTC Business School was
joined by other senior academics and representatives from the School of Postgraduate
Studies and the Office of International Affairs.

Professor Abhayaratne, an alumna of the University of Essex pointed out the
need for economics programs which focus on the Sri Lankan higher education
market and the upsurge of local think tanks and their efforts in introducing
studies on development and managerial economics to the island’s public and
private sector. The President & CEO of SLTC, Mr. Ranjith G. Rubasinghe
joining the discussion further clarified SLTC’s commitment in creating a
liberal environment for research and learning in Sri Lanka.

Dr. G. R. Sinha, a Professor from IIIT Bangalore, India deputed to MIIT Mandalay Myanmar successfully concluded a four day visit to Sri Lanka Technological Campus, Padukka on the 9th November 2019 as the first of many academic visits and collaborations during his tenure as a visiting professor.

Dr. Sinha, an exceptional senior scholar with interests varying from Medical Image Analysis to Outcome based Education, is believed to contribute and enrich SLTC’s academic community’s intellectual and research endeavours and international projections. During his stay, together with the SLTC’s faculty, the Visiting Professor conducted workshops on writing research grant proposals and book proposals, a series of lectures on Medical image processing and OBE and finally panel discussions with members of the faculty and the administration. In acknowledging Professor Sinha’s contribution to the campus, the President & CEO, Mr. Ranjith G. Rubasinghe presented him with a certificate of appreciation and encouraged further collaborations.

With the goal of making Sri Lanka known for its high quality education, a team of delegates from SLTC visited the Tribhuvan University, Nepal, in July, 2019. Fruitful discussions were carried out on establishing academic and research relations between the two universities. Rector, Prof. Dr. Sudha Tripathi, Deans of the Faculties and Senior Staff members took part in the discussions, and it was agreed upon signing a Memorandum of Understanding between the two universities in this September.

Sri Lankan Embassy in Kathmandu, headed by Her Excellency the Ambassador Ms. Swarna Perera actively engaged in facilitating these discussions and thus creating more higher education opportunities for Sri Lankan and Nepali students.

Mr. Kumarasinghe Sirisena, Chairman of Sri Lanka Telecom, Mr. Ranjith Rubasinghe, President of SLTC, Dr. Nanda Gunawardane, Director, Research and International Affairs of SLTC, Her Excellency Ms. Swarna Perera, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Nepal and Ms. Dinesha Samarasinghe, First Secretary, Embassy of Sri Lanka visited Kathmandu University (KU) in Dulikheli, Nepal on 11th July, 2019 to carry out discussions regarding initiating collaborations between the two universities.

Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha and a number of important personnels representing KU attended the discussions conducted to draw useful decisions which would be implemented for the improvement of the quality of education towards achieving common goals. 

It was agreed to prepare the relevant proposal by 21st July 2019, and once the collaborations are initiated between SLTC and KU, it is expected to facilitate credit transfers, exchange of staff / students and establishing research collaborations for applying for grants.

Moreover, a SLTC
desk will be set at KU to promote research and academic engagements,
and possibilities to conduct a Hospitality Management course will also
be assessed. Sri Lankan Embassy in Kathmandu, Nepal will be actively
involved in facilitating the academic and research relations between the
two universities.

With the prospect of establishing and strengthening international relations with renowned South Asian universities, delegates from SLTC met the Honorable Minister of Education, Science and Technology of Nepal, Mr. Prakash Sunuwar and secretaries to the Ministry in July 2019. In the course of discussions, attention was focused on how to strategically improve the higher education opportunities for Nepali and Sri Lankan students and improving the quality of tertiary education in both the countries. Further, it was agreed on enrolling outstanding Nepali students at SLTC and also to conduct a session for higher education recruiting agents in Nepal to promote SLTC activities. The Hon. Minister further requested SLTC to offer courses on Tourism and Ayurvedic Medicine which will be beneficial for the Nepali students. These Diplomatic level discussions were held with the active contribution and patronage of Her Excellency the Ambassador Ms. Swarna Perera and the First Secretary, Ms. Dinesha Samarasinghe.

Mr. Vikas Sabat met with  Dr. Lalith Wijetunga, Dr. Nanda Gunawardhana, Eng. Ranjith Gunawardena and Mr. Milinda Rajapaksha from SLTC to discuss on implementing relationships between KIIT and SLTC.

Here, the discussions
focused on conducting short term (one semester) and long term (more than a
semester) student exchange programs between the two institutes along with 8-12
weeks industry placement for engineering students. Further, it was considered
to exchange staff members for short term depending on the requirements of KIIT
and SLTC.

The two institutes agreed to conduct joint research projects to enhance the reputations of KIIT and SLTC.  In addition, it was agreed to apply joint research projects for international funding agencies.

James Cook University representative Mr. Vignesh Vijaraghavan visited SLTC on 11th July 2019, and met with executives of SLTC to discuss on collaboration efforts between JCU and SLTC. The two parties agreed on initiating a 2+2 programme for the undergraduate level and a 1+1 programme for a postgraduate level.

The JCU is widely known for its Innovation related aspects involved in the programmes and IOT Specialized in Australia for both BSc and Msc internship programmes. It has the recognition for Wind Engineering. JCU has ranked in the top 2% of universities in the pre-eminent global ranking system.

Dr. Nanda Gunawardhana, (Director of Sri Lanka Technical Campus), Mr. Priyantha Mayadunne (Secretary to the Ministry of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education) and Mr. Kamal Rohitha Uduwawala (Additional Secretary to the Ministry of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education) visited Yunnan University in June 2019 with the purpose of initiating collaborations between the two institutes.

Our delegates met with Prof. Li Chenyang (Vice President) , Dr. Wu Yun (Deputy Director of International Office; Director of Confucius Institute Office) andProf. Liu Xuejun (Associate Professor, Institute of International Studies). Two parties agreed on establishing student exchange programs. Discussions also focused on to collaborate on the academic areas such as Computer Sciences, Information Sciences, Ecology, Microbiology, Botany and Zoology