SLTC SSAPI project team recently joined a series of project meetings that were hosted by the Maldivian partners to the project; Villa College and Maldivian National University from 05th to 09th February 2023. 

The meetings were also attended by other partners from Germany, Portugal, Bhutan, and Pakistan. 

SLTC team comprised of, 

  • Dr Chamod Hettiarachchi - Lead, Civil Engineering Pathway 

  • Dr Mahima Weerasinghe - Lead, Data Science Pathway 

  • Ms Thilini Tharanga - Senior Assistant Registrar - Examination and Curriculum 

The members were able to review the progress achieved during the last 20 months of the project and had comprehensive meetings to discuss the action plan for the rest of the project period.

A team from SLTC Enact project team attended a transnational training program at Gottingen University, German from 16 th Jan to 20th Jan 2023. The ENACT Project - Enhancing Governance, Management and Reform in Sri Lankan Universities through Non-Academic Staff Training is a project funded with the support of the Ersamus+ Programme of the European Union.

ENACT focuses on the problems and inefficiencies in the Sri Lankan higher education system via the capacity building of the non-academic workforce. The key aim of the project is to enhance the governance, management, and quality, of university education in Sri Lanka by building the capacity of non-academic staff to enhance organizational performance and to support current and future modernization efforts and reforms in higher education.

During this visit, the training program covered the following topics under University Administration, Management & Governance

  • Higher Education Human Resources Management in Europe: EU Countries
    Experiences/Practices Sharing with Q&A

  • Higher Education Strategic Plan / Institutional Strategy in the EU context

  • Organizational Development and Governance

  • University infrastructure and service management 

  • Financial Management 

The following SLTC team members joined the program.

  • Eng Ranjith Rubasinghe - President/ CEO

  • Dr. Jagath Wijerathne - Director, Academic Affairs 

  • Dr. Udesh Oruthota - Director, Resources 

  • Dr. Damith Gangodawilage -  Senior Lecturer | Head  -  Department of Accounting & Finance, Faculty of Business ManagementMajor Ruvan Ranatunga - Deputy Registrar 

The third management meeting of the ENACT project was also held during this visit where the project partners discussed the activities planned for the year and the progress of the last year.

Education for teaching and non-teaching staff workshop, under the IncEdu Project, was conducted on 12 - 16 December 2022 at the University of Peradeniya.

IncEdu project, Developing Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities in Sri Lankan Universities, is dedicated to enhancing the learning space for students with disabilities (SWDs) in Sri Lankan universities (national universities and private institutions) and providing them with facilities and other requirements in relation to their disabilities. The project aims to address related issues by increasing awareness among stakeholders, including academic and non-academic staff at the university and policymakers in higher education, strengthening the capacity of the universities to provide services to facilitate the needs and requirements of those students, and creating a supportive learning environment for the students with disabilities.

The workshop was set up to disseminate information from international training events that were held in Brasov and Croatia. Over 80 academic and non-academic staff members from Sri Lanka as well as four Eu Partners from the University of Zagreb took part in the Workshop.

IncEdu project members of the SLTC participated in a training programme that was held in Transilvania University of Brasov from 31st October 2022 to 04th November 2022.

SLTC Team comprised of Dr. Nanda Gunawardhana,Dr. Chanakya Pannila ,Dr. Chandani Dissanayake  and Ms. Achini Gamage. 

The team was able to join the Project partners meeting that was held  during their stay in Brasov.

TOT and Knowledge Sharing Session, under the IncEdu Project, was conducted on 18 August 2022. The session was organized to share the knowledge of transnational training sessions that took place in the Czech Republic under the IncEdu Project. Over 20 academic and non-academic staff members participated in the event. The programme included,

  • Introduction to the IncEdu Project
  • Introduction of the Masaryk University
  • Special needs and related facts and findings
  • Lessons learned from other universities
  • Sports and activities for special needs students
  • Assistive Technologies SLTC IncEdu Team,
  • Q & A Session
  • Visit to the newly established IncEdu Special Needs Centre

Following up on the Non-Academic Staff Training at Masaryk University, the Czech Republic from 16 – 19 May 2022, ENACT Project team of SLTC organized a Training of Trainers (ToT) and Knowledge Sharing Session on 18 August 2022 at the SLTC campus. Over 25 non-academic staff members representing various departments and offices joined the programme.

The first onsite physical training programme under the SSAPI project was held in Bremen, Germany, from 4-15 July 2022, hosted by the University of Bremen. A total of 56 participants representing the 2 European partners and 9 Asian partner universities participated in this 2-week training programme.

The training programme included a variety of activities designed to share knowledge and experience across the higher education institutions (HEIs) on programme development and accreditation. Activities included simulation of programme accreditation in engineering, psychology, electrical engineering, business administration and computer science, as developed by partner universities. . Tours of facilities at the University of Bremen, including the LogDynamics Lab, BIBA and the
State and University Library Bremen (SUB), were also included as part of sharing institutional experience among the partners. Opportunities were also given to participants to attend classes and observe examples of project-based learning at the university.

The 15th International Invention and Innovation Show (INTARG 2022) was held in KATOWICE, POLAND from 11 to 12 May 2022.

As every year INTARG® was supported by the Polish Government and leading international organizations: International Federation of Inventors Associations IFIA, World Invention Intellectual Property Associations  WIIPA and others. World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO was the Main International Honorary Patron of the next Jubilee XV INTARG® 2022.

INTARG® 2022 was organized in a hybrid formula: physical event + online implements.

SLTC was awarded for their innovation and the winners are,

Silver Award

Simple low-cost emission purifying unit for exhaust pipes

Team: Mr. Ruwan Jayakantha, Dr. Nanda Gunawardhana and Dr. Migara Karunarathna

Bronze Award

Real-Time Durability Destructive Monitoring System for Semiconductor Industry

Team: Mr. Sachinda Ekanayake, Miss. R.P.M. Hasini and Mr. W.A.A.D. Jayasekara -