Upon an invitation of SLTC, a team of delegates from Deakin University, Australia visited SLTC Research University, Trace Expert City on the 15th of February 2023.

Deakin delegates comprised of 

  • Prof Bas Basakaran - Associate Dean, International, and Partnerships; Faculty. Faculty of Sci Eng & Built Env; Department

  • Ms. Bri Gunn, International Manager, Deakin International

  • Ms. Ruby Lee - Manager, Partnerships and EngagementPeter Mayadunne - 

  • Director - Sri Lanka Country Office | Deakin International

SLTC- Deakin Partnership since 2020 has flourished especially with the increasing number of SLTC students transferred to Deakin to pursue the final years of their degree programs. 

Currently, those students who complete their first year/ first two years at SLTC in the disciplines of Engineering and IT can apply to Deakin, via 2+2 and 1+ 2 transfer programs.

During Eng. Ranjith G. Rubasinghe's visit to Deakin last December 2022, expressed his interest in expanding the transfer programs for Business and Management degrees. In addition to this, discussions had also been held regarding the availability of opportunities for students who would complete the SLTC Foundation program and then continue the 2+2 transfer program. 

During the Deakin delegates' visit, these new proposals  were further discussed with the participation of the SLTC team ; 

Eng Ranjith Rubasinghe, Founder/ President CEO 

Dr. Nanda Gunawardhana, Director, of International Affairs 

Dr. Jagath Wijerathne, Director of Academic Affairs 

Dr. Udesh Oruthota, Director of Resources 

Prof Hilary E Silva - Head of School -Business and Management 

Dr. Damith Gangodawilage, Lecturer, School of Business 

Ms. Oshani Ranasinghe, Lead for Foundation Programmes

SLTC SSAPI project team recently joined a series of project meetings that were hosted by the Maldivian partners to the project; Villa College and Maldivian National University from 05th to 09th February 2023. 

The meetings were also attended by other partners from Germany, Portugal, Bhutan, and Pakistan. 

SLTC team comprised of, 

  • Dr Chamod Hettiarachchi - Lead, Civil Engineering Pathway 

  • Dr Mahima Weerasinghe - Lead, Data Science Pathway 

  • Ms Thilini Tharanga - Senior Assistant Registrar - Examination and Curriculum 

The members were able to review the progress achieved during the last 20 months of the project and had comprehensive meetings to discuss the action plan for the rest of the project period.

A team from SLTC Enact project team attended a transnational training program at Gottingen University, German from 16 th Jan to 20th Jan 2023. The ENACT Project - Enhancing Governance, Management and Reform in Sri Lankan Universities through Non-Academic Staff Training is a project funded with the support of the Ersamus+ Programme of the European Union.

ENACT focuses on the problems and inefficiencies in the Sri Lankan higher education system via the capacity building of the non-academic workforce. The key aim of the project is to enhance the governance, management, and quality, of university education in Sri Lanka by building the capacity of non-academic staff to enhance organizational performance and to support current and future modernization efforts and reforms in higher education.

During this visit, the training program covered the following topics under University Administration, Management & Governance

  • Higher Education Human Resources Management in Europe: EU Countries
    Experiences/Practices Sharing with Q&A

  • Higher Education Strategic Plan / Institutional Strategy in the EU context

  • Organizational Development and Governance

  • University infrastructure and service management 

  • Financial Management 

The following SLTC team members joined the program.

  • Eng Ranjith Rubasinghe - President/ CEO

  • Dr. Jagath Wijerathne - Director, Academic Affairs 

  • Dr. Udesh Oruthota - Director, Resources 

  • Dr. Damith Gangodawilage -  Senior Lecturer | Head  -  Department of Accounting & Finance, Faculty of Business ManagementMajor Ruvan Ranatunga - Deputy Registrar 

The third management meeting of the ENACT project was also held during this visit where the project partners discussed the activities planned for the year and the progress of the last year.