Focus group meeting discussions and the third project meeting of the IncEdu project (Developing Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities in Sri Lankan Universities) took place from 24 - 25 February 2022 at Eastern University Sri Lanka.

Prof. Lelia Kiš-Glavaš and Prof. Martina Ferić from the University of Zagreb conducted the focus groups for Academic and Non-Academic members of the Sri Lankan Partner universities.

The 3rd Project Meeting of the IncEdu project was also held parallel to the focus group discussions. European partners joined the meeting virtually while all the Sri Lankan partners and Prof. Lelia Kiš-Glavaš from the University of Zagreb were present at the project meeting.

The two Nepali students who started their IT degree in the year 2021, visited Sri Lanka on the 4th of March 2022 in order to start their on campus studies. Here’s how their batchmates welcomed them at the airport.

Welcome to Sri Lanka!

Getting to know the campus and fellow students.

The two students were also able to meet the CEO/President Eng. Ranjith G. Rubasinghe and Dr. Nanda Gunawardhana; Director of International Affairs on their first day at the campus.

Sri Lanka Technological Campus recently signed an agreement with Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania enabling student/staff exchange. This is a programme under the Erasmus + Learning Mobility for Higher Education Students and Staff between the EU Member States and third countries associated with the programme.

Under this programme students and staff can apply for short exchange programmes in the programmes of Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction and Business and Administration.

To know about Transilvania University of Romania, click the link below.

Visit UniTBv Website

For more info please write to us at

Sri Lanka Technological Campus joins hands with Kristiania University, Norway in January 2022, to promote the programs of Academic Collaborations, Research Collaborations and Joint Research Activities, Online Learning Environment Support, Student and Staff Exchange Programs and other exchanges of academic and cultural nature.

To know about Kristiania University College, click the link below.

Visit Kristiania University College Website